I think most of us modelling railways populate our scenes with characters from various manufacturers to give depth and diversity to our scene's. One such manufacturer is Northumbrian Painting Services. Rob and Michelle offer painted and unpainted figures in various materials for multiple scales alongside their range of detailing and building kits. Recently they have released new packs of figures in 7mm specifically for Heljan's MK2 coaches and Inspection Saloon in resin, but also some new characters suitable for 1970's and 1980's passengers. Rob kindly sent me a selection of the new people and a pack of passengers for Heljans MK2's to paint.
Firstly we will start with the seated Passengers for Heljan's RTR MK2' Coaches.
These along with the pack for the Heljan Inspections saloon are a perfect accompaniment, and designed specifically to fit these coaches. Now I am no figure painter, but as with everything in life we all have different skills. I know Rob paints with Acrylics, but you can also paint these up with Enamels. I don't have many different shades in Acrylic so will be using stash of Matt Enamel shades from Humbrol. |
As can be seen above, these figures are a perfect fit in Heljan's new MK2 Coaches, I have not tried them in any other manufacturers MK1 Coaches, but I am sure they will fit well in whatever vehicles you have.
First up, I sat all the figures on a block of wood with Blu Tac to give them a dusting of primer. I suspect the resin would take paint straight away, but I prefer staring with a primer base. Detail is very fine, especially in some of the features & the primer really brings this out. The two packs of seated figures I had covered a nice variation of people. With a bit of thought, even duplicates can be made significantly different that replication isn't noticeable. |
From left to right we have an older gentleman with grey hair possibly off to a days trainspotting? Our fist lady of this set is wearing a 'Little Black Dress', maybe out for the evening? The next lady lady appears to be older, wearing a fluffy Hat, Coat and Scarf, so some nice orange ones to brighten her up.
Next up we have a younger women wearing black knee high boots and a yellow mini dress, followed by a lady in long green coat. Lastly a gentleman with a white shirt and grey suit, I feel this character is slightly older with longish straggly hair. |
This second section of figures starts with one of my favourites. Building diversity into figures can be difficult and I am often looking out for a figure that fits the bill of someone other that a Western White person. The hair on this figure screamed Afro to me, hence darker skin. He's dressed in a Yellow (154) jacket and Grey trousers finished off with Brown (62) leather shoes. Next we have a youngish lady with matching orange (82) dress and shoes. not that you will see the shoes once comfortable in her coach! This next figure I was unsure what to do with, she is the same as the lady in orange in the previous set, so this time I went for a white hat and blue coat. She actually reminds be of my Great Aunt,
To the left two older ladies sit looking out of the window having a good old gossip watching the world go be. Coffee cups, Travellers Fare Sandwiches and some shopping bags would be a great addition to this scene, come on Rob & Michelle!!
To the right we have have a couple and two single travellers enjoying the extra comfort of first class. The compartments are perfect for some additional detail too, some Curtains/Blinds and Bags maybe. |
As with the seated figures, a first coat of primer followed by a flesh colour then bother colours built up. Te lady on the left is wearing Hubrol 25 with the lady on the right Hubrol 154. I particularly like the detail on these two figures, with the lady on the right reminding me of Amy Winehouse. I may have to have a go at some Tattoo's at some point,.
The two gentlemen here appear to be on business, the gentleman on the left's overcoat is Humbrol 62, with the collar picked out int light grey.
The gentleman on the right having a suitcase painted again in Humbrol 62, with a suite of Humbrol 67. I like Humbrol 67 as it is a more charcoal colour than solid back. As with the rest of the figures, a final wash with a thin layer of 'track dirt' brings out the details. Any murky brown/black wash will do. |
I felt these two Characters went together. A Family off to the seaside maybe? as with the rest of the figures, painted with Hubrol Enamels as noted. Father wearing 160 trousers and a 67 coat and 77 scarf. Mum with a 153 dress and hat. A nice feature of this Character is she is holding a child, I do sometimes think children are missed out when creating scenes on layouts. I will have to try some 4mm figures to represent them.
Two more business men here. Both wearing No. 67 grey suits, one with a chucky brown scarf. The other white shirt and red (153) tie.
The detail on these, like all the other figures is very fine. It's a nice touch having them carrying bags, this offers even more opportunity to add further detail. Picking out buckles or adding stickers etc. |
A younger lady wearing a nice 154 summery dress. This was another character I really liked, hopefully the detail can be scene. I think there are many ways this figure could be painted. I find painting the underside of skirts with black accentuates the shadows.
The older lady's coat is painted with No 77 with boots and bag picked out in black. |
Something else I think is rarely seen is characters with receding hair lines! The older gentleman's coat is painted with 160 with the collar picked out in cream to represent a fleece lining. dark grey (67) trousers finish him off.
An attempted at Stone Washed Jeans for the man on the right using 65. The dirty wash giving them more definition. His coat painted with No 77. |
These were two more of the characters I rather likes, another man with a receding hairline and a narrow tie (clearly forgot to paint the tie!), I liked the pose on this his coat over the shoulder. darker shades used for the shadow under the coat. And a gentleman with a mullet hair do. Something else that's not often modelled.
Now can we have some Punks and Mow-Hawks next time Rob? |
I forgot to do before photo's of these four! In the left hand picture a blue coat with yellow T-Shirt and grey trouser carries a duffle bag. With the Crouching man possibly jut tied his shoe laces, a brown (160) suite toned down with a wash. Lastly I had two Guards in stock, and needed one to go in a BFK so while I was painting everything else these two got done too. I had planned to paint them with Rail Blue paint, but No.77 has given a good representation of the uniforms.
With having just received some of Heljans new MK2 coaches, the Guards compartment need a member of staff!
Just getting ready for a full 'grip' on departure, I hope all the new passengers have their tickets ready. A perfect addition, just need to paint in some more details and add a kit bag and some other bits and bobs. |
These new figures from Northumbrian Painting are a fantastic addition to their range. I have used their pre painted figures for my loco fleet for a long time, but this is the first time I have painted them myself. There are some delightful and different figures and they have been a pleasure to bring to life, I will certainly be investing in more of both the seated and standing figures and will continue to paint them myself!
The full range of figures, and other items for the modeller can be found here Northumbrian Painting Services | Hexham, Figures range in price and can be bought as single or in packs, either unpainted or fully finished. Rob and Michelle are still expanding their range, but whatever era you model I am sure you sill find suitable characters. |